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換屋(Home Swap)原本一種體驗式旅行和生活方式。這種方式更強調跳脫制式旅遊的深度旅行與體驗當地文化。而藝術家換屋計劃以此為延伸,鼓勵藝術家與其創作計劃更緊密地與當地社群結合。換屋計畫以及酸屋將此次的駐地創作命名為「棲居/遷徙/作息」,參照法國哲學家米歇爾賽杜(Michel De Certeau)的日常生活實踐理論(The Practice of Everyday Life)、和情境主義(Situationis)中對於當代景觀社會剖析的脈絡,在此命題下的創作日常自然就必須與本地創作社群和文化脈絡做連結。




Artists Home Swap highlights crossing culture values and artistic influence to communities. We aim to open up the intercultural dialogues by artists and artworks from different cultural background. This year Artists Home Swap cooperates with Acid House, a creative hub and artist collective at Yonghe (New Taipei City), most densely populated regions in Taiwan, to provide one month residency. Touching upon topics ‘Dwelling, Mobility, Everyday Practices,’ AHS 2019 launch series of workshop, meet up, talk, party and showcase to explore the topics with artists and local community and audiences.

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